Awards Recognise Seven Outstanding Teams

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24th February 2010, 05:39pm - Views: 1216

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6127 1999, Fax: 02 6265 1545

MSPA 45/10

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Awards recognise seven outstanding teams

Seven Defence and industry teams were feted in Canberra last night when the 2009

Australian Defence Magazine’s (ADM) DMO/Industry Team of the Year Awards for

Excellence were announced at the annual Awards Dinner by Rear Admiral (RADM) Peter

Marshall and Air Vice-Marshal (AVM) Geoff Brown. 

The CEO of the Defence Material Organisation (DMO), Dr Stephen Gumley congratulated all

of the finalists on their achievements. 

“These finalists highlight the great work being undertaken in the DMO and industry and they

deserve our recognition for their exemplary collaborative efforts in equipping and sustaining

the Australian Defence Force,” Dr Gumley said. 

BAE Systems Australia and the DMO’s Hydrographic Systems Project Office (HSPO) took out

the 2009 sustainment team of the year award, ahead of both the Tactical Fighter Systems

Program Office / L-3 MAS Canada team and the DMO’s Command and Intelligence Systems

Support Office and Thales team – but only after a tie-break question had been posed to find a


Presenting the BAE/HSPO team with their award, RADM Peter Marshall, Head of the DMO’s

Maritime Systems Division said it was great to see a regional team successfully competing

with teams from all over Australia.  Each of the other two contenders for the sustainment team

of the year award was presented with an outstanding achievement award, in recognition of

the fierce challenge they had mounted. 

Hawker Pacific and the Training Airlift Systems Program Office were named the 2009 minor

acquisition team of the year for their outstanding collaborative efforts in delivering an Interim

Lightweight Transport capability for the Royal Australian Air Force within a very short


The honour of 2009 rapid acquisition team of the year was awarded to the Australian Super

Hornet Project Office and Logistic Engineering Services Pty Ltd.  This team was also

presented with the perpetual Essington Lewis Trophy for the most outstanding DMO / small-

to-medium enterprise team of 2009.  Congratulating the team on its success, AVM Colin

Thorne, DMO’s Head Aerospace Systems Division said it had forged an extraordinary

partnership based on mutual trust and an unswerving commitment to achieving timely


Raytheon and the DMO’s Combat Support Systems Program Office received the major

acquisition team of the year award for their collaborative efforts in delivering the Weapon

Locating Radar Life of Type Extension under Land 58 Phase 3.  They were also awarded a

perpetual Essington Lewis Trophy as the most outstanding DMO / major company team of

2009 for capitalising on their extremely open and honest relationship to deliver a better

solution to the Australian Army than had been contracted for. 

A high commendation was presented to the very new and very small team of Rohde and

Schwarz and the DMO’s Ground Telecommunications and Equipment Systems Program

Office, for overcoming significant challenges through effective collaboration and thereby

ensuring that their project remained on schedule and within budget. 

Media contact: Defence Media Liaison: 02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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