Australians Complete Indonesian Earthquake Mission

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30th October 2009, 06:06pm - Views: 760

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6127 1999, Fax: 02 6265 1545


Friday, 30 October 2009


Australian Defence Force personnel assigned to Operation Padang Assist will return home

this weekend one month after an earthquake devastated the Indonesian region of



The last elements of the ADF’s Joint Task Force will depart Indonesia for Australia on the 2nd

November, following the closure of the Australian Army Primary Health Care Facility and its

official handover to the local health authorities, and the completion of all reconstruction tasks.  

Among the many tasks achieved by the Australian contingent; 1.3 million litres of water were

produced and distributed, 1300 patients were treated in a purpose built medical facility, in the

village of Seigerringing, 63 buildings were assessed for structural integrity and over 532.4

metric tons of humanitarian aid was flown into the region. 

The Commander of the Indonesian Earthquake Relief Effort, Major General Tanjung, praised

the Australians for their dedication to the relief effort in support of the Indonesian Defence

Force (TNI).

“Your performance was outstanding to finish your mission in such a short time, we look

forward to more opportunities to work together in the future,” Major General Tanjung said.

Joint Task Force Commander Colonel Mark Brewer is proud of the performance of his

personnel during the operation. 

“To see the Australian and Indonesian soldiers working side by side, forging friendships in

the aftermath of a natural disaster, will be an enduring feature of this mission.”

The Chief of the Defence Force, Air Chief  Marshal Angus Houston, said through working

closely together in the aftermath of the 30th

September earthquake, the Australians and

Indonesians had strengthened the friendship between the two nations.

“I commend all the ADF men and women who contributed to Operation PADANG

ASSIST. Your efforts contributed towards saving countless lives, establishing medical

clinics, clearing landslides and repairing vital infrastructure,” Air Chief Marshal Houston


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