Australian Submarine First To Fire New Heavyweight Torpedo

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24th July 2008, 02:21pm - Views: 781

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Minister for Defence

Thursday, 24 July 2008




The Minister for Defence, the Hon. Joel Fitzgibbon MP, today congratulated the crew

of the Australian submarine, HMAS Waller, for being the first submarine to

successfully fire a new heavyweight torpedo that has been jointly developed by

Australia and the United States (US).

The firing occurred during the Rim of the Pacific 2008 (RIMPAC 08) exercise,

involving multiple navies off the coast of Hawaii between June and July.  This

controlled exercise resulted in the planned sinking of a retired US warship.

“This represents the first new heavyweight torpedo warshot to be fired by either

Navy.  Just as significant is the fact that the warshot torpedo was assembled in

Australia,” Mr Fitzgibbon said.

The MK 48 Mod 7 Common Broadband Advanced Sonar System (CBASS) torpedo is

the latest enhancement for the MK 48.

Considered the world’s premier submarine-launched torpedo, the MK 48 Mod 7

represents a superior capability against both surface ships and submarines with

sonar enhancements that make the torpedo an effective weapon in shallow water

and in a countermeasure environment.

The development of the CBASS torpedo has been achieved under an Armaments

Cooperative Program between the United States Navy (USN) and the Royal

Australian Navy (RAN).  This partnership has established common requirements,

interfaces, configurations and maintenance standards enabling any Australian or US

submarine to load torpedoes prepared by any Australian or US torpedo maintenance


This submarine partnership has also led to co-development of a new replacement

combat system, which is being progressively integrated into USN nuclear submarines

and RAN diesel-electric submarines.

This successful live fire exercise underscores the maturity of the joint torpedo and

submarine combat system programs for the RAN and USN.

“For Australia in particular, this exercise has been a successful demonstration of the

ongoing capability of the Collins Class submarine,” Mr Fitzgibbon said.

Media note:

Vision will be distributed to the Parliament House Press Gallery at 12.30pm.

Media contacts:

Christian Taubenschlag (Joel Fitzgibbon):

02 6277 7800 or 0438 595 567

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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