Australian Innovation To Drive Defence Capability

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20th June 2008, 06:21pm - Views: 844

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Minister for Defence Science and Personnel

Friday, 20 June 2008



Australian companies and universities will share $21.5 million in the latest

round of defence capability development funding, the Minister for Defence

Science and Personnel, the Hon. Warren Snowdon MP announced today.

“It is widely acknowledged that Australian industry plays a key role in

supporting our Defence operations. So I am pleased to announce today that

12 innovative proposals have been selected for further development under the

Capability and Technology Demonstrator Program.”

“The CTD program provides opportunities to show how advanced technology

can provide significant enhancement to Defence capabilityThese 12 projects

come from various industry sectors, and include small-to-medium enterprises,

established defence contractors and Australian universities.

“It is exciting to see that the proposals receiving funding in 2008 cover a very

wide spectrum of defence capability – from wearable solar panels to

submarine sonar, from grenade launchers to GPS anti-jam units.

“The projects are a mix of leading edge technologies and innovative

applications of existing technologies, with the potential to result in major

savings for Defence, spin-offs for civilian use and export opportunities for

Australian industry,” said Mr Snowdon.

The Capability and Technology Demonstrator (CTD) Program supports priority

defence capability development by funding Australian industry to trial new

technology. The work informs Defence of the potential performance and

technical risks associated with future implementation. 

The Defence Science and Technology Organisation manages the CTD

Program on behalf of Defence. 

For information about the 12 new CTD projects go to:

Media contacts:

Kate Sieper (Mr Snowdon) 

02 6277 7620 or 0488 484 689

Lorraine Mulholland (DSTO) 

02 6128 6385 or 0424 779 498

Defence Media Liaison 

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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