Australian Forces Drawdown In East Timor

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10th December 2009, 10:14am - Views: 826

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Minister for Defence

Thursday, 10 December 2009



The Minister for Defence, Senator John Faulkner, today announced that the

Australian commitment to the International Stabilisation Force (ISF) in East

Timor will draw down from approximately 650 to around 400 personnel by

February 2010.  

The overall size of the joint Australian-New Zealand force will decrease from

800 to 550 personnel.

“The reduction of the number of ADF personnel was agreed following

extensive discussions with East Timor’s leadership, the United Nations and

our ISF partner New Zealand,” Senator Faulkner said.    

The security situation in East Timor has remained stable since the February

2008 attacks on East Timor’s President and Prime Minister.  In January 2009,

100 ADF members deployed to Operation ASTUTE were withdrawn from East

Timor with no significant effect on the security situation.

“The decision to reduce the number of ADF personnel recognises the ongoing

calm security situation in East Timor and the efforts of the Government and

people of East Timor to uphold this. It will see the ISF increase its focus on

capacity-building of East Timor’s military forces (F-FDTL),” Senator Faulkner


The coalition will continue to transition to capacity-building activities with the

F-FDTL, building on successful ISF and F-FDTL projects such as the water

project at Uatolari and the health clinic in Ossa Huna.  

These efforts support Australia’s longer term commitment to the F-FDTL’s

development through the Defence Cooperation Program in East Timor.  They

are part of Australia’s commitment to supporting East Timor's development as

a stable and prosperous nation. 

The planned drawdown will commence with approximately 100 ADF members

returning to Australia in mid December 2009. The subsequent drawdown to an

ADF commitment of approximately 400 ADF members will occur gradually

during the January to March 2010 period.  

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“The Australian servicemen and women completing their deployments can

now look forward to a period of leave, reconstitution and training back in

Australia following their time in East Timor,” Senator Faulkner said.  

“I thank all the returning ADF personnel for their professionalism and service

in this important operation.”  

The current New Zealand contribution will remain unchanged at 150


The ISF is in East Timor at the request of the Government of East Timor and

the United Nations.  

Operation ASTUTE is the ADF contribution to the ISF and New Zealand’s

contribution is Operation KORU.  Further information concerning Operation

ASTUTE and KORU can be found at:

Media contacts:

Colin Campbell (John Faulkner):

02 6277 7800 or 0407 787 181

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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