Australian Diggers Laid To Rest In Papua New Guinea

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1st December 2009, 03:32pm - Views: 763

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Tuesday, 1 December 2009




Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, paid tribute to

fallen Second World War diggers who were laid to rest at Bomana War Cemetery in

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea earlier today.

The families of Lance Sergeant James Garrard Wheeler and Lieutenant Talbot

Logan were present as the remains of their loved ones and two unknown Australian

soldiers were buried with full military honours.

“This is a time to remember the courage of these men, and recognise the

considerable grief their loss has caused their families – both then and now,” said Mr


“The men were laid to rest at Bomana alongside more than 3300 of their comrades

who also died during the Pacific campaigns of the Second World War.”

“Australia owes a debt of gratitude to all 39,000 servicemen and women who died

during the Second World War, and today’s military funeral is an appropriate way to

commemorate the service and sacrifice of these diggers, and provide some comfort

to the loved ones they left behind.”

The identified men were killed in separate incidents that occurred exactly one month

apart – the first on 1 December 1942.

“Lance Sergeant Wheeler was killed 67 years ago today while attempting to reach an

injured comrade during the US Army 126th Regiment’s fight around Huggins Road

Block on the Soputa/Sanananda Track,” Mr Combet said.

“Lieutenant Logan was in command of 9 Platoon when he was killed on 1 January

1943 by a Japanese sniper during the 2/12th Battalion’s attack on Giropa Point at


The Australian Army provided an honour guard at the ceremony which was also

attended by the Deputy Chief of Army, Major General Paul Symon.  Members of the

Australian Federation Guard fired volleys over the graves and a lone bugler played

the Last Post.

The soldier’s remains were recovered from battlefields around Buna, Sanananda and

Popondetta.  An Army investigation team positively identified two sets of remains,

and those unidentified have been buried under a headstone marked ‘Known Unto


Media note:

Imagery will be available at later today

Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet):

02 6277 7620 or 0458 276 619

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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