Australian Defence Force Parliamentary Program Launched For 2009

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23rd February 2009, 05:26pm - Views: 812

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Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support

Monday, 23 February 2009

027 /2009



Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support, the Hon Dr Mike Kelly AM MP,

today launched the 2009 Australian Defence Force Parliamentary Program

(ADFPP), an initiative that gives Senators and Members of Parliament a taste of

what it is like to serve in the Australian Defence Force (ADF).

Dr Kelly said the ADFPP provides a unique opportunity for parliamentarians to

gain a more fully informed appreciation of the ADF.

"Since its inception in 2001, 83 parliamentarians have participated in the

program, gaining a unique and often intimate first hand experience of the

challenges of service life, as well as a broader understanding of the capabilities of

the ADF" Dr Kelly said. 

Parliamentarians are offered a number of ADF attachment options each calendar

year, programmed during the Autumn and Winter recesses.

Twenty different attachment options are programmed for this year, including five

Operational areas ranging from the Middle East to the Solomons.

Other options include opportunities to participate in the Special Air Service

Regiment Selection Course, undertake a sea ride in a Collins Class Submarine,

and spend a week at the RAAF’s largest operational base at Amberley, which is

the home of the F-111 and the RAAF’s newest aircraft, the C-17 Globemaster.

In 2003 an exchange element was introduced which involved attaching ADF

members to a parliamentarian’s office at Parliament House during a sitting week.

“This enables our future Defence leaders to have a greater understanding of the

environment in which our elected officials operate. The mutual understanding

achieved through this aspect of the Program cannot be overstated” Dr Kelly said.

Imagery will be available at

Media contacts:

Mark Sjolander (Dr Mike Kelly):

02 6277 4840 or 0407 102 220

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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