Australian Defence Force Families Go Scouting

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27th November 2008, 02:07pm - Views: 884

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Minister for Defence Science and Personnel

Thursday, 27 November 2008



The Minister for Defence Science and Personnel, the Hon. Warren Snowdon MP, today

welcomed the new partnership arrangement between Defence Families of Australia and

Scouts Australia that will help support Australian Defence Force (ADF) families.

“Scouts Australia is generously offering ADF families easier access to the range of

scouting activities and programs, fee waivers on transfer, and comfort in the continuity of

a leading and supportive youth development program that is available in almost all

communities in Australia,” Mr Snowdon said.

“In exchange, Defence Families of Australia will encourage ADF families to take part in

the scouting movement, recognising that Defence children can bring diversity to local

scout groups and that their ADF parents may contribute a range of skills and experience

to support youth development activities.”

A memorandum of cooperation to formalise the arrangement was signed by the Chief

Commissioner of Scouts Australia, Mr John Ravenhall AM, and Mrs Nicole Quinn, the

National Convener of Defence Families of Australia, in the presence of Scouts and

Defence representatives.

“ADF families face many challenges because of military service, not least the family

disruption of relocation on postings every two to three years,” Mr Snowdon said.

“The new partnership forged between Scouts Australia and Defence Families of Australia

will help ADF families by extending programs, including workshops and training for young

people and adults, to assist them feel more at home in their new community.”

The Minister also launched the new Defence Scouting Badge.  The Badge will bear the

tri-service logo with the words Scouting for ADF families.

“This badge can be earned by a scout who has delivered a presentation on Defence life,

visited a military base, and completed a project on Defence personnel and peace,” Mr

Snowdon said.

“It is a visible sign of the relationship between the two organisations, and encourages an

understanding in Scouts of the role and work of the Australian Defence Force.

“I am sure all scouts who earn it, will wear it with pride.

“The families of Australia’s Defence Force are incredibly important, and the support and

love they offer, are what makes the hard work and sacrifice of our service personnel


“I congratulate Defence Families Australia and Scouting Australia on working together to

help support our Defence Force families.”

Defence Families of Australia is an independent, volunteer-based organisation formed in

1986 to officially represent the views of Defence families to Government and Defence’s

senior leadership group.

Media Note: Imagery will be available later today at

Media contacts:

Kate Sieper (Warren Snowdon):

02 6277 7620 or 0488 484 689

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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