Australia To Assist African Union

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10th December 2009, 05:27pm - Views: 825

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Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support

Thursday, 10 December 2009



Australia’s commitment to effective international peacekeeping is being

demonstrated again this week in a workshop to assist the African Union in

developing draft guidelines for the protection of civilians in armed conflict. 

The Asia Pacific Civil-Military Centre of Excellence (the Centre) is hosting an

expert Working Group in Queanbeyan, NSW, comprising representatives from

the African Union, the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping

Operations (DPKO), the United Nations Office for the Coordination of

Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the United Nations High Commissioner for

Refugees (UNHCR), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC),

lawyers and academics, together with members of the Australian Defence

Force, the Australian Federal Police and the Commonwealth Attorney

General's Department.

The draft guidelines being developed in Queanbeyan this week will form the

basis for a high level Symposium on the Protection of Civilians in Conflict

Zones to be co-hosted by the African Union Peace and Security Commission

and the Centre in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in March 2010.  The draft guidelines

are intended to assist the African Union, the United Nations and international

actors with practical measures to improve the delivery of protection to civilians

under peacekeeping mandates. 

The Hon. Dr Mike Kelly AM MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support,

shared his personal experiences in peace operations with the Working Group

on Thursday, 10 December 2009.  

"The Security Council has been mandating operations to protect civilians in

conflict zones for more than a decade and protection of civilians remains a

critical consideration in the Middle East, Africa and in places such as Timor-

Leste where Australia continues to support governments recovering from

conflict,” Dr Mike Kelly said.

“Peace operations and peacekeeping are critical to international peace and

security.  We recognise the need to protect women and children, the aged,

internally displaced persons, refugees and other vulnerable groups in

communities affected by violence.

“By hosting and providing expertise to the Working Group, the Asia Pacific

Civil-Military Centre of Excellence is able to directly assist the African Union to

draft guidelines for African integrated missions consistent with international

humanitarian law.”

The Centre, an initiative of the Australian Government, supports the

development of national civil-military capabilities to prevent, prepare for, and

respond more effectively to conflicts and disasters overseas through effective

civilian, military and police interaction.  The Centre’s support to the African

Union is part of the Government’s commitment to enhancing peace, security

and development in Africa.    

Media Note:

Executive Director of the Asia Pacific Civil-Military Centre of Excellence,

Michael G. Smith, is available for interview.  

Media contacts:

Mark Sjolander (Dr Mike Kelly):

02 6277 4840 or 0407 102 220

Michael G. Smith

0439 490 297

Barbara Butler

02 6160 2219

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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