Army Engineers Put Lid On Waste

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25th August 2009, 07:36pm - Views: 818

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6127 1999, Fax: 02 6265 1545

MSPA 281/09

Tuesday, 25 August 2009


Australian Army engineers have been busy devising simple solutions for Tarin Kowt’s

sanitation and waste management needs.

The town has had septic tanks installed and Army engineers are half-way through

constructing a sanitation system to manage the waste from the tanks.

Project Engineer Captain Daniel Waugh says and the waste management facility is a great

step in the right direction to improve sanitation in Tarin Kowt.

"This facility is the next block that Tarin Kowt needs.  Previous rotations started the process

by putting septic tanks in the schools and hospitals they've built.  Now we're building on that

by giving that waste somewhere to go,” Captain Waugh said.

“Our future plans involve the construction of public toilets to centralise public waste, in line

with mentoring of local government departments to manage the collection and dumping of the

waste," he said.

The facility is a simple, low-maintenance solution to a long standing problem.  Now the work

remains to ensure that the Mayor’s Office is able to manage the ongoing use of the facility

and the future development of a sanitation system in town.

"The Mayor’s early involvement in this facility – and his keen interest in its maintenance –

shows his support of the project, and acknowledges that the 'reconstruction' doesn't end with

the delivery of the physical infrastructure; it requires management, maintenance and

resources," Captain Waugh said.

Mayor Maulawi Obaidullah praised the facility, saying “this is very good for the people of

Tarin Kowt”.

The Governor of Oruzgan Province, Assadullah Hamdam, stated that the facility will be very

beneficial:  “The site will be useful for the people of Oruzgan, where they can come and

empty their toilet waste.  It has many stages, where extra water will go around the outside and

there will be no bad smell,” said the Governor.

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