Another Step Forward For Defence Health

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9th February 2010, 08:33pm - Views: 755

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Tuesday, 9 February 2010


Another step forward for Defence Health

Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, today

announced the appointment of Mr David Morton as the Australian Defence

Force's (ADF) Director General of Mental Health, Psychology and


“Mr Morton's appointment is another step in the ADF's ongoing commitment to

protecting and enhancing the health and well being of Australia’s servicemen

and women," Mr Combet said. 

“His leadership and expertise will be vital for Defence as we continue to

implement the recommendations from the 2009 Dunt Review into mental


“Mr Morton's appointment will result in better and more efficient health care as

part of Defence’s ongoing health reforms and restructure.

“The establishment of the Mental Health, Psychology & Rehabilitation branch

is also a clear demonstration of the progress Defence is making in providing

holistic care to ADF members.”

Professor David Dunt completed a thorough mental health review last year at

the Federal Government's request. The Dunt Review provided the catalyst for

major health care reform and the Government is supporting Defence with an

additional $83 million over the next four years to implement recommendations.

“The health and wellbeing of personnel is a priority for Defence and all

wounded ADF members receive comprehensive support, whether it is for

physical or emotional wounds,” Mr Combet said. 

“The ADF has one of the largest workplace mental health support systems in

Australia, with a range of mental health and counselling services available to

ADF personnel.”

Mr Combet said that Mr Morton was well placed to make a very valuable

contribution in this new role. 

“David Morton's addition to the Joint Health Command leadership team will

provide the final piece in the Command’s areas of expertise and

responsibilities,” Mr Combet said.

“Mr Morton’s previous work with the Department of Veterans’ Affairs and

Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service and his intimate

involvement with delivering support services to Australia’s war veterans

deserve special recognition and will be a cornerstone of his work with Joint

Health Command.”

The ADF’s Surgeon General and Chief of Joint Health Command, Major

General Paul Alexander, said that “Defence is bringing the concepts of health

and well-being together as a complete package. It's critical to understand that

physical and emotional injuries require support to mend long after visible

scars have healed.  This is vital for the ADF to meet our commitment to

providing best practice healthcare.

“The success of our rehabilitation programs is remarkable. Last year 87 per

cent of all personnel who undertook rehabilitation returned to duties.

“One of the major aims of the ADF’s Mental Health Strategy is to de-

stigmatise mental health problems and to encourage personnel to come

forward for treatment sooner rather than later.  Early treatment in these cases

is one of the keys to successful treatment.” 

“David Morton will work with me and the rest of the Command to make sure

those who are diagnosed with injury, including mental health conditions,

access the extensive rehabilitation programs available.

“Mr Morton’s appointment is another significant milestone in the important and

far-reaching reform.  It will give every member of the ADF, and the public,

greater confidence in the delivery of Defence’s high-quality health care

services,” Major General Alexander said.

Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet):

02 6277 7620 or 0458 276 619

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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