An Adaptive Army For The Future

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27th August 2008, 09:10pm - Views: 892

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6265 3343, Fax: 02 62656946

MSPA 266/08

Wednesday, 27 August 2008


The Chief of Army, Lieutenant General Ken Gillespie, this evening announced the

restructuring of the Australian Army’s higher command and control structures.

The Adaptive Army initiative better positions Army to conduct the generation of land

forces for current operations and preparation for other contingencies directed by


“As operational tempo has increased over the past few years, the development and

implementation of more effective and efficient structures and processes has become

necessary.  This ensures we continually improve our ability to achieve operational

objectives,” Lieutenant General Gillespie said.

“The evolved structures and processes will allow those about to deploy to receive the

benefits of the lessons learnt by preceding force elements on current operations.  This

ensures our soldiers are well postured, and prepared, for future commitments.

“The current Functional Command structure has served the Australian Army well

over the last couple of decades.  However, the rapid improvements in the ability of

our soldiers and headquarters to share information in recent years have challenged this

traditional approach to command and control,” Lieutenant General Gillespie said.

The implementation of the Army structures will be phased in over the next couple of

years, with transition to the final structure planned for early 2011.

Starting early in 2009, Army will raise a Forces Command which will be responsible

for the conduct of individual and collective training (force generation) for a large

proportion of Army.

At the same time, Army’s 1st Division will assume a primary role as Army mounting,

assessment and certification authority for all individuals and conventional force

elements deploying on operations.

Media Note:

Further information regarding the Adaptive Army initiative will be made available

tomorrow morning at:

Media contact: Defence Media Liaison: 02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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