Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science,
announced today that Australias $8 billion Air Warfare Destroyer (AWD) was
progressing well with key milestones in the delivery of its combat and
weapons control system being met.
I am pleased to announce that the US Navy has conducted a pull the plug
ceremony on the combat system for HMAS Hobart, Mr Combet said.
This ceremony marks the de-energising of the combat system and
symbolises its readiness for installation in the first AWD. To reach this point
the system, including the radar and missile fire control equipment, had to
complete a full range of US Navy acceptance tests to verify its performance.
The completion of testing of the Aegis Combat System equipment destined
for HMAS Hobart marks a major milestone in the delivery of this world-class
capability from the US Navy to the Royal Australian Navy.
The Aegis Combat System is deployed on nearly 100 warships around the
world. In addition to the US and Australian Navies, Aegis is deployed on
Japanese, Spanish, Norwegian and South Korean warships.
This system is capable of detecting and defeating multiple hostile aircraft and
missiles at ranges in excess of 150 kilometres. With this system deployed, the
AWD will be able to provide protection for a naval task force against air,
surface and submarine threats.
Work on other sub-systems in the AWD combat system is also progressing
well with the Air Warfare Destroyer Alliance recently signing a $20 million
contract with McDonnell Douglas (a subsidiary of Boeing) for the Advanced
Harpoon Weapon Control System.
As a key element of the Hobart Class combat system, the Harpoon missile
will allow our three Air Warfare Destroyers to engage surface and land targets
at ranges well beyond the horizon, Mr Combet said.
HMAS Hobart is the first of Australias three Air Warfare Destroyers and is due
for delivery to the Royal Australian Navy in December 2014.
Media contacts:
Rod Hilton (Greg Combet):
02 6277 4771 or 0458 276 619
Defence Media Liaison:
02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664