Air Force March Through Port Stephens

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17th October 2009, 02:30pm - Views: 871

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6127 1999, Fax: 02 62656946

MSPA 348/09

Saturday, 17 October 2009


Swords were drawn, rifles carried, drums beat and


flown as RAAF Base

Williamtown exercised its Freedom of Entry to the City of Port Stephens with a

parade through Raymond Terrace this morning. 

Led by the Chief of Staff Air Combat Group, Group Captain Vincent Iervasi, the

parade marched through the city and was granted entry by Superintendant Charles

Haggett of Port Stephens Local Area Command.

Group Captain Iervasi said

it was a privilege to march through Raymond Terrace and

recognise the strong relationship forged between the Air Force Base and the City of

Port Stephens.

“The right of Freedom of Entry is a significant honour that demonstrates trust, loyalty

and a sense

of community between a city and a military unit,” said Group Captain


“Over the last 33 years, RAAF Williamtown has developed a strong association with

the City of Port Stephens. Many Base personnel have and continue to be involved in a

range of sporting, academic and community events. 

“We are proud to exercise a tradition that recognises this involvement and to continue

to foster an enduring relationship between the City and RAAF Base Williamtown”.

This strong relationship was extended when

the Mayor of Port Stephens, Councillor

Bruce MacKenzie, demonstrated his commitment by signing a Communities for Air

Force Agreement

on 21 September. This agreement was also signed by the Lord

Mayor of Newcastle, Mayor of Ipswich and Senior ADF Officer Williamtown, Air

Commodore Neil Hart.

“The agreement highlighted the local government’s commitment to



Force personnel and their families as key members of the community and to work

with Air Force for the mutual benefit of the community, Defence personnel and

operations,” Air Commodore Hart said.

Port Stephen’s General Manager, Mr Peter Gesling, also experienced an F/A-18



flight over Newcastle to gain a comprehensive overview of the

fast jet capability and the many support systems required for operations, as well as

Williamtown’s flight paths. 

   02 6127 1999/ 0409 498 664

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6127 1999, Fax: 02 62656946

Media Releases are available via e-mail if you register at

RAAF Base Williamtown was granted the Freedom of the City of Port Stephens on 6

September 1976. It was awarded for recognition of the manner in which Officers and

Airmen of the Base had served in war and peace over the period of years, thereby

bringing added prestige to the City and district. 

Freedom today indicates the pride the local municipality has in its long associations

with the Royal Australian Air Force Base and the strong links forged with the


Today’s parade marks the 33rd

Anniversary of the base receiving the Freedom of

Entry and also commemorated RAAF Base Williamtown’s 68th Anniversary.

F/A-18 Hornets from No. 77 Squadron performed a four-ship formation flypast over

Raymond Terrace to honour the significant occasion.

Media contacts:

Flight Lieutenant Skye Smith:

   02 4928 6818 or 0438 462 944

Defence Media Liaison:                                            02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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