Afghan Resupply Convoy Success

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22nd January 2010, 04:16pm - Views: 731

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6127 1999, Fax: 02 6265 1545

MSPA 015/10

Friday, 22 January 2010


A critical resupply mission has been accomplished by the Afghan National Army (ANA) and

their Australian mentors.

Called Operation Tor Ghar II, which means Black Mountain in Pashto, the convoy travelled

from Tarin Kowt to Kandahar, enabling the 4th ANA Brigade to sustain its operations in

Oruzgan Province.

The Commanding Officer of the Second Mentoring and Reconstruction Task Force (MRTF-

2), Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Hocking, said the operation was vital.

“This operation has increased the capacity of ANA logistics, which is critical to the ANA

being able to sustain their own operations well into the future,” Lieutenant Colonel Hocking


“The operation was complex due to the need to disrupt the insurgent threat over the journey

and the punishing effect of the terrain on vehicles, communications and personnel.

“The planning, execution and operational review between ANA, MRTF-2 and other ISAF

assets proved highly effective and was a learning experience for all involved.”

Senior mentor and convoy commander of the Coalition Force elements, Major Gordon Wing,

said the ANA have learnt a lot from these convoy escort operations.  “The ANA improve

significantly each time they complete a task. With this convoy they now have a blueprint for

success,” Major Wing said.

Operation Tor Ghar II was the third convoy for logistics mentor to the 4th ANA Kandak,

Captain Keith Chambers, from MRTF-2.  “I have seen a significant improvement on each

convoy to the point where mentoring during the operation will probably be minimal in the

future,” Captain Chambers said.

Australian engineer mentor, Lance Corporal Matthew Snowden, said the ANA were

progressing their skills at searching for Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs).  “Working

with and watching the ANA improve each convoy has been great,” Lance Corporal Snowdon


The Commander of the 4th Brigade, Brigadier General Abdul Hamid, commended his

soldiers and their mentors at a parade following the convoy.  “You have all again worked very

well and must work together to do just as well in everything else you do,” Brigadier General

Hamid said.

Missions such as these support Australia’s commitment to training the ANA to a point where

it can take on security responsibility in Oruzgan Province.

Media note:  Imagery is available for download at:

Media contact: Defence Media Liaison: (02) 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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