Afghan And Australian Troops Help Improve Afghan Lives In

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4th May 2010, 04:19pm - Views: 985

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6127 1999, Fax: 02 6265 1545

MSPA 146/10

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Afghan and Australian Troops help improve Afghan lives in 

Southern Baluchi Valley Region

About 300 Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers and Australian soldiers from the 1st

Mentoring Task Force (MTF1) have conducted a targeted security operation through the

Southern Baluchi Valley over the past two weeks to better facilitate Afghan government

development opportunities.

Commanding Officer of the 1st Mentoring Task Force, Lieutenant Colonel Jason Blain said

that Operation JENUB FAYDA (‘Southern Advantage’ in Pashtu) concluded without incident

and highlighted the important role that Australian troops play in training local Afghans to

participate in ongoing operations. 

“One of the local elders said that increased security would help build local confidence. He

said that every time he sees the Australian flag flying he knows his people will be well

treated,” Lieutenant Colonel Blain said.

“That was reassuring and a fine indication of the great work our soldiers have done in an area

that was once dominated by Taliban insurgents.” 

MTF1 troops and their ANA counterparts conducted day and night security operations

through the local laneways, qualas (housing complexes) and fields.  Several Improvised

Explosive Device components and ammunition caches were captured during the two week


“The operation was a great success and gained community support to construct a new security

post that will be manned in due course by Afghan National Police,” Lieutenant Colonel Blain


“This demonstrates the trust that has been developed in the community by the Afghan soldiers

as well as our own.” 

Lieutenant Colonel Blain said that the partnered approach developed ANA skills and has set

the right conditions for Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) to eventually conduct these

types of operations by themselves.  

“We are progressing down the road to being in a position where one day we can comfortably

and confidently pass over security operations to the ANSF in Oruzgan,” Lieutenant Colonel

Blain said.

“We have been making great inroads in building the competency and confidence of the ANA

troops and officers to a level where they feel comfortable taking over operations themselves.”    

A range of combined MTF1 and ANA surge operations will be conducted over the coming

months in the Baluchi and Mirabad valleys as well as the Chora area. 

Lieutenant Colonel Blain said MTF1 will continue to focus on providing security and

supporting development and governance by working closely with the Afghan Government,

AusAID, the Australian Federal Police, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and

ISAF partners.

Media note: Imagery is available at:

Media contact: Defence Media Liaison: (02) 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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