Advanced Manufacturing Promoted To Hunter School Children

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1st December 2009, 02:00pm - Views: 847

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Tuesday, 1 December 2009




High School children in the Hunter will be given a chance to learn about defence

manufacturing following the launch of the Advanced Manufacturing Schools

Pathways Program at West Wallsend High School in NSW. 


“The Advanced Manufacturing Schools Pathways Program, or ME Program as it will

be known, is one of three pathway programs being established by the Rudd

Government. These programs are designed to create targeted career pathways into

industry that require high skill levels in maths and science,” said Mr Combet

In 2010, approximately 350 students are expected to participate in the ME Program.

Over the life of the program, (Jan 2010 to July 2014), this is estimated to equate to

over 1500 students participating in the program. 

“This innovative program aims to increase the number of students pursuing maths,

science, vocational and technology subjects.  The program will also make students

aware of the study options that are available for various technical and professional

career paths and hopefully attract students to careers in the advanced manufacturing


“It is pleasing to see that there is a strong commitment from local industry to the

program. This will ensure that participating students have access to work experience

opportunities and exposure to a variety of manufacturing industries.” 

“By having industry and education institutions work together, we will not only educate

the students but also provide them and their parents with an increased understanding

of the work and career opportunities in advanced manufacturing. This will help them

make informed decisions about further education and future careers,” Mr Combet


“The program is part of a defence industry skills initiative designed to address the

skills shortage expected within the industry over the coming decades.”

The four schools selected for participation in the Pilot Program in 2010 are West

Wallsend, Callaghan College, St Pauls and Newcastle High. 

With the establishment of the School Pathways Programs in SA and WA also in

2010, it is estimated that in excess of 3,500 students will have participated or been

exposed to the three School Pathway Programs in Advanced Manufacturing,

Advanced Technology and Marine studies.

Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet):

02 6277 7620 or 0458 276 619

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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