Adf Trainees Receive Pay Increase And $8,000 Allowance

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17th November 2008, 09:39pm - Views: 815

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Minister for Defence Science and Personnel

Monday, 17 November 2008 




The Minister for Defence Science and Personnel, the Hon. Warren Snowdon

MP, today announced that Australian Defence Force (ADF) enlisted trainees

would receive increased pay together with an $8,000 trainee allowance.

“One of the biggest challenges currently facing the ADF is recruiting the right

people with the right skills and to meet that challenge we need to ensure the

ADF has an attractive remuneration package,” Mr Snowdon said.

“ADF members undergoing employment training of 12 months or more will

now receive a $5,390 increase, bringing their salary to $37,109.

“This should give a boost to recruiting those seeking technical and trade

careers in the ADF.

“Added to salary is also a new $8,000 per annum trainee allowance that

recognises the extra demands placed on personnel undergoing training in a

military environment.”

Mr Snowdon said that increased trainee pay and the new allowance followed

a Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal determination that will begin with

effect from 8 January 2009. Once qualified, trainees progress to the new pay

structure for enlisted ADF members that has been designed to better reward

skills and qualifications.  They also become eligible for a $10,672 Service

Allowance, which is paid in addition to salary and replaces the trainee

allowance upon graduation.

The pay increase and trainee allowance are part of Defence’s total overhaul of

the ADF pay structure for enlisted personnel.

“Along with subsidised meals and accommodation, free medical and dental

care and superannuation benefits, the new trainee pay and allowance rates

makes the total ADF remuneration package a very appealing proposition for

those wishing to pursue training and a military career,” Mr Snowdon said.

Media contacts:

Kate Sieper (Warren Snowdon):

02 6277 7620 or 0488 484 689

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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