Adf Reaches Out To Remote Communities In Oruzgan

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29th January 2010, 05:44pm - Views: 770

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6127 1999, Fax: 02 6265 1545

MSPA 025/10

Friday, 29 January 2010


Australia’s Special Operations Task Group (SOTG) has successfully supported local Afghan

police in establishing a stronger presence in remote parts of southern Afghanistan during the

first part of winter.

SOTG operations with the Afghan Provincial Police Reserve (PPR) were conducted to deny

Taliban influence in the region and to protect the population of Oruzgan province.

These operations took place in the mountainous valleys of Garmab, Patan and Kush Kadir.

Chief of Joint Operations, Lieutenant General (LTGEN) Mark Evans, said in partnership with

the PPR the SOTG held formal discussions, or Shuras, with community leaders in these areas

to assess their security needs and requirements for humanitarian assistance.

“The communities responded positively, with many people from outlying areas travelling to

meet with the PPR and the SOTG,” LTGEN Evans said.

“This continues the ADF’s population centric approach that is

in line

with the strategy


Commander International Security Assistance Force, General Stanley McChrystal.

While the visits to the valleys were primarily fact finding missions,  SOTG Medics travelling

with the patrols provided valuable hands-on health care work, conducting several health

clinics, treating approximately 200 people in the three valleys.

“We looked at the local people specifically, and engaged with them to determine what they

needed, and how best we could help.  At the same time we treated anybody who was sick as

well,” an SOTG soldier said.

LTGEN Evans said the population centric approach was helping to foster positive relations

between the community, the PPR and the SOTG.

“The stronger ties between the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) and the population

in these areas will give locals further confidence to seek assistance from the Government of


The ability of the SOTG and PPR, working together, to continue limiting insurgent coercion

and influence over the population enhances security and stability for communities in Oruzgan

province.  This supports Australia’s strategic objective of strengthening the capacity of the

ANSF so they can increasingly manage security in the province.

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Defence Media Liaison: 02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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