145 Of Australia's Future Army Leaders Graduate

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7th December 2009, 05:56pm - Views: 722

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6127 1999, Fax: 02 6265 1545

MSPA 418/09

Monday, 7 December 2009



Full Time General Service Officer Graduation Parade.


Tuesday 8 December 2009.


Royal Military College (RMC) Parade Ground, Duntroon.


09:30am for the Graduation Parade. Media are advised to arrive no

later than 9:10am at Patterson Hall at the top of Staff Cadet Avenue

with photo ID to collect biographical details of the major prize


156 Staff Cadets will be graduating this Tuesday from the Royal Military College,

Duntroon. 145 of these, from all states of Australia, will graduate as Lieutenants in

the Australian Army, with one Cadet graduating into the Royal Australian Air Force.

The remaining 10 graduates are overseas students who will be commissioned into

their respective army’s.

Her Excellency, the Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia, Ms

Quentin Bryce, AC is the reviewing officer for the Graduation Parade. 

The Governor General will be presenting the Sword of Honour for exemplary conduct

and performance of duty, and the Queen’s Medal awarded to the Staff Cadet ranking

first amongst the graduates. The recipients will be named at the parade 

The graduating class comprises Cadets who graduated from the Australian Defence

Force Academy in 2008, and have completed a further 12 months training at RMC;

and cadets who commenced officer training in July 2008.  This latter group includes

former soldiers, graduates of a variety of universities and Cadets who joined the army

from the civilian work force.  

Graduates will commence duty as officers in Australian Army Units early in the new


Noted guests at the Parade will be members of five reunion groups with graduates

from the RMC class of 1954 celebrating the 55th anniversary of their graduation.


Media Contact: Captain Lacy Western: 0439 762 140

    Defence Media Liaison: 02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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