1000 Troops Farewelled In Brisbane

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20th January 2010, 07:56pm - Views: 856

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Wednesday, 20 January 2010



Around 1000 troops about to deploy on operations to Afghanistan, the Middle

East and East Timor were farewelled this afternoon at a parade in Brisbane’s

Gallipoli Barracks.

Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, told the

troops that Australia was proud of them and that they and their families would

be at the forefront of thoughts while they were serving their country overseas.

“The Government and the people of Australia are proud of the work that you

will be doing overseas and you should be as well. The work that you will be

carrying out in your country of deployment will benefit many people over many

generations,” Mr Combet said. 

Mr Combet also thanked the family and friends of the deploying troops. 

“The support provided by you is invaluable, and can not be underestimated. I

am sure that the period ahead will be filled with some apprehension and

anxiety, but I also know that you are proud of all of those on parade for what

they have achieved so far and the tasks they will soon undertake.”

The deploying personnel are drawn from a range of units from across

Australia but are predominantly from units of the South Queensland-based 7th


The troops are deploying as part of the Mentoring and Reconstruction Task

Force, Timor Leste Task Group Seven, Force Support Unit Three and Force

Communications Element Three.  

“There are approximately 3300 Australian Defence Force personnel deployed

to 13 operations overseas and within Australia to protect Australia and its

national interests.

“Additionally, approximately 500 ADF members are actively protecting

Australia’s borders and offshore maritime interests.” 

Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet):

02 6277 7620 or 0458 276 619

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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