$13 Million To Fast-track Defence Innovation

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10th March 2009, 01:02pm - Views: 822

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Minister for Defence Science and Personnel

Tuesday, 10 March 2009



Four successfully demonstrated Defence technology projects are to have their

development fast-tracked, the Minister for Defence Science and Personnel the Hon.

Warren Snowdon MP announced today.

Through the Capability and Technology Demonstrator (CTD) Extension Program a

total of $13 million is being invested in a missile early warning system, an aerial

system for tracking moving targets on a PC, a system to increase infrared guided-

missile protection for ADF aircraft, and a robot that lets you “feel” suspicious objects

from a safe distance.

Mr Snowdon said he was pleased to note that the selected projects have come from

small and medium enterprises and he congratulated them on their success.

Under the Extension Program, managed by the Defence Science & Technology

Organisation (DSTO), selected technologies that meet the test with their initial trials

are funded for further development depending on Defence priorities. 

The details of the selected projects are below:

Avalon Systems Pty Ltd demonstrated a missile detection system to provide ships

with additional warning time and thus increase their chances of surviving an attack.

The technology is now ready to be further developed for land and sea trials.

Sentient Pty Ltd developed a high-definition, real-time vision system for unmanned

aerial vehicles that track small moving targets on the ground. The extension program

will allow this technology to be used for surveillance of the maritime environment, and

will enhance the onboard autonomous systems of the air vehicle.

GKN Aerospace demonstrated a system for reducing the infrared emissions from

engines in Australian Defence Force aircraft and helicopters. The extension project

would enable full-scale development and testing of the prototype.

Deakin University developed an intelligent robot that allows remote operators to ‘feel’

the physical environment where it is operating and thus render an explosive device

safe without damage to people or property. The operational capabilities of the robotic

system will be further refined under the extension program.

“These promising technologies deserve further consideration and the government is

pleased to support such innovation through the CTD program,” Mr Snowdon said.

Media contacts:

Kate Sieper (Warren Snowdon):

02 6277 7620 or 0488 484 689

Jimmy Hafesjee (DSTO):

03 6128 6376 or 0404 042 457

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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