Salvation Army Calls Town Meeting To Address Street Violence Culture

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9th April 2010, 01:22pm - Views: 1325

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Contact:  Frances Ward, volunteering for The Salvation Army – 0413 789 335



9 April 2010

Salvation Army calls Melbourne town meeting

The Lord Mayor, Michael Carr-Gregg and other

speakers to address city’s growing street violence

and binge drinking culture


13 April 2010 


12:30 – 1:30pm


Main stage, Federation Square, Flinders Street, Melbourne


The Salvation Army has called a town square meeting to address Melbourne’s

binge drinking, knife and street violence culture. To combat the issue, strong

emphasis has been placed on increasing police power and strengthening

court sentencing but maybe our questions should focus on why this culture

has emerged. Have community values shifted? Does Melbourne need to

develop its own set of values to live by? How can everyone play a role in

creating positive change?

Tuesday’s discussion will involve a range of speakers including Lord Mayor

Robert Doyle and renowned psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg. Nick McCallum

(Channel 7 news) will host the discussion.

Each guest speaker will offer his/her insights and opinion on the issue,

followed by a panel discussion which will actively involve the general public.

This is the first of the Salvos’ ‘Connecting Melbourne’ events. ‘Connecting

Melbourne’ is a monthly open discussion forum which aims to connect people

from a broad cross section of the community to stimulate public involvement

and discussion about current social issues. Most importantly, it aims to

connect Melbourne’s disadvantaged community with people of influence.

Visual opportunities:

A gathering of influential speakers at Federation Square’s main stage

Guest speakers engaging with the general public, including communities

that the Salvos are actively working with

Interview opportunities:

Major Brendan Nottle, The Salvation Army with many years of

experience working on the streets of Melbourne helping disadvantaged

communities, Brendan can talk first hand about the increasing violence

and how he thinks the community can help create positive change

Guest speakers each of the guest speakers would be happy to provide

their opinion on the issues raised and why they wanted to support the

‘Connecting Melbourne’ event.

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