Police Association Support For Serious And Organised Crime (control) Bill

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5th May 2008, 05:45pm - Views: 1188

Police Association support for Serious
and Organised Crime (Control) Bill

The Police Association of South Australia is deeply concerned about public and police-officer safety in light of recent gang-crime offences, particularly those committed by outlaw motorcycle gang members.

Many offences have involved the carriage and discharge of firearms in densely populated public areas. These criminal acts have threatened the safety of not only innocent bystanders but also the responding front-line police officers.

The Police Association aims to ensure that its members receive all the necessary equipment, resources and legislative support they need to deal with these issues.

The association supports the Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill, and encourages the SA Parliament to accommodate its smooth and timely passage. Police Association president Mark Carroll said police expected appropriate tools to investigate gangs.

"This legislation is about government giving police the necessary tools to do their jobs," he said. "It will further assist police to impact on these gangs and their activities.

"These laws will make it much harder for gangs to disguise illegal activities; and the laws help apply pressure to people who have a total disregard for the law.

"As well, it will disrupt associations between people who support bikies in their criminal endeavours.

"This is, after all, serious crime we're talking about, and our members face equally serious risks in dealing with it on behalf of the community.

"I encourage the community to remember that this bill is about public safety and therefore they should give it full support. I also encourage members of Parliament to make this bill into law soon."

Mr Mark Carroll
Police Association of South Australia

8212 3055
0417 876 732

SOURCE: Police Association of South Australia

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