Plea To Bring Notorious Child Sex Offender Paul Henry Dean Home To Face Justice

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28th January 2010, 02:58pm - Views: 1937

Plea to bring notorious child sex offender Paul Henry Dean
home to face justice

Child Wise, Australia's leading child protection charity is calling on the Australian Government to
immediately extradite Paul Henry Dean to face prosecution in Australia on multiple child sexual abuse

Wednesday, 27 January 2010--Notorious Australian child sex offender, Paul Henry Dean is once again
escaping justice on child sex charges in India. He is out on bail, living in the community with
unrestricted access to children.

Paul Henry Dean's time in India spans over thirty years during which he has been known by a variety
of different names and identities including charity worker, priest and doctor. He has used each of
these professions as a credible cover for his brutal attacks on hundreds of Indian boys and young
men; crimes he has never faced justice for committing.

At the time of his last arrest in 2008, Dean was working as a doctor at the Mary Ellen Gerber
orphanage, under the name Paul Allen. Dean is alleged to have abused several young boys at the
orphanage in Puri town, 65 kilometres east of Orissa state capital, Bhubaneswar. In a report filed by
Gerber to Indian police, she stated that Dean had been terrifying the children and the staff and that
he had sexually abused boys as young as 11 years old. When interviewed by the media in May 2009,
Ms Gerber confessed that she felt partially responsible for the crimes as she had trusted Dean and
failed to conduct a thorough background search on him before he began working with children.

Dean had also been charged with child sex offences and possession of pornography in the
neighbouring state of Andhra Pradesh in 2001 where he escaped custody by jumping from a moving
train. He then continued to volunteer at local orphanages, protected by powerful friends and
colleagues across the country, with Australian authorities doing nothing to find him.

Today, leading child rights advocate and CEO of Child Wise Bernadette McMenamin, called for Dean's
immediate extradition to Australia to face prosecution for the repeated abuse of children in India. "We
know that Dean is being protected in India by some very influential and powerful allies. If this were
not the case he would surely have already been brought to justice in that country. However, this has
not happened and so we are today imploring the Federal Government to extradite him immediately.
The Government must act now or he will again disappear!"

Throughout his time in India Paul Henry Dean has collected powerful friends to maintain his credibility
and innocence. Those whom he could not deceive into trusting him were met with manipulation,
intimidation and aggression; techniques used to silence victims and witnesses alike. This is the reason
behind Child Wise's plea to extradite. Dean has a documented history of providing false identities and
there is a real fear that he will do this again, and the cycle of abuse will continue, unchallenged.

"We have extra-territorial Child Sex Tourism laws that were enacted in 1994. We have adequate laws
for him to be extradited and prosecuted in this country for crimes against children. He's obviously in
Asia because he doesn't feel he'll be prosecuted."

Ordinarily, Child Wise advocates for the apprehension and sentencing of child sex offenders in the
country of their arrest. In this case, however, it is clear that Paul Henry Dean has gone unpunished
for his crimes against children for over thirty years; crimes which in some cases have led to the victim
taking their own life as a result, as in the case of deaf mute Anil Kumar who committed suicide in
For Comments contact Bernadette McMenamin at Child Wise on: 0419 397 689

Child Wise Ltd. PO Box 451, South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3205 ABN 57 098 261 575

Tel: +61 3 9645 8911 Fax: +61 3 9645 8922 Email: [email protected] Web:

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