Nsw Man Charged With Accessing And Possessing Child Abuse Material

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21st November 2009, 11:22am - Views: 1229
21 November 2009

Media Release

NSW man charged with accessing and
possessing child abuse material
Australian Federal Police (AFP) arrested and charged a 54-year-old man from
Leura, NSW with offences of accessing and possessing child abuse material on
The AFP received a referral in relation to this matter from the United States of
America Immigration and Customs Enforcement investigators (US ICE).
A search warrant was executed at the 54-year-old man's Leura residence by
the Federal Agents where images were located and seized.
Police will allege in court that the man possessed child exploitation images on
his computer.
The man was charged with using a carriage service to access child pornography
material, contrary to Section 474.19 (1)(a)(i) Criminal Code 1995 (Cwth) and
possession of child pornography, contrary to Section 91H (2) Crimes Act 1900
He will appear at the Parramatta Local Court today.
The maximum penalty for these offences is 10 years imprisonment.

Media enquiries
AFP National Media Team
Phone: (0) 6275 7100

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Federal Police

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