Joining Together To Fight Crime In The Pacific

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23rd April 2008, 06:15pm - Views: 1370

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Joining Together to Fight Crime in the Pacific

CANBERRA, April 23/Medianet International-AsiaNet/ --

   The Australian Federal Police (AFP) has stepped up the fight against transnational crime in the

Asia Pacific region with today's opening of the Micronesia Regional Transnational Crime Unit


   The Micronesia Regional TCU is a joint initiative between Australia, the United States and the

Federated States of Micronesia, and the opening has been welcomed by Micronesia's Secretary of

Justice Maketo Robert. 

   It is the sixth to open in the Pacific region, and is linked to a network of existing TCUs in Fiji,

Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea. 

   The AFP first forged a relationship with the United States’ Hawaii-based Department of Defence

Joint Interagency Task Force West (JIATF West) in 2004 to create a more proactive criminal

intelligence and investigative presence in the Pacific.

   AFP’s Manager International Network Paul Osborne said the TCU network allows law

enforcement agencies to share intelligence, and to profile and target transnational crime groups

operating across the region.

   “The fight against transnational crime can only be successful through strong collaborative

partnerships and effective law enforcement intelligence,” Commander Osborne said.

   The AFP’s engagement in the Pacific is focused on long-term capacity building, and addressing

issues such as the transportation of narcotics, people smuggling, child sex tourism and

transnational sex exploitation.

   The AFP has provided the Micronesia TCU with $300,000 of equipment and support, including a

new vehicle, intelligence training and an AFP advisor for the first 12 months.

   JIATF West has contributed $450,000 to the project for the refurbishment of offices including the

provision of cabling, air-conditioning, furniture and computer and communications equipment.

   JIATF West’s Deputy Director of Intelligence Gary Royster said the facility now had the level of

technology required to fight transnational crime in the 21st century.

   Media enquiries

   AFP National Media Team     

   Phone: +61 2 6275 7100

SOURCE: Australian Federal Police

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