Fbi Ends Copperfield Investigation, Copperfield Accuser Investigated According To Angelo Calfo Of Ya

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14th January 2010, 12:48pm - Views: 1308

People Feature Angelo Calfo Of Yarmuth, Wilsdon, Calfo PLLC 1 image

People Feature Angelo Calfo Of Yarmuth, Wilsdon, Calfo PLLC 2 image


FBI Ends Copperfield Investigation, Copperfield Accuser Investigated According to Angelo Calfo of

Yarmuth, Wilsdon, Calfo PLLC

SEATTLE, Jan. 14 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    The following is a statement by David Copperfield's attorney, Angelo Calfo of Yarmuth, Wilsdon, Calfo PLLC

in response to the FBI's announcement and Smoking Gun and Seattle Times stories (see links):


    "David Copperfield, his family and friends are relieved that federal prosecutors finally closed their

investigation without bringing a single charge, after Bellevue police recommended that the so-called victim be

charged as a criminal for making a false rape claim last month against a Seattle-area man," Calfo said.

    "Her lies to Bellevue police support what David has said all along: her two-year old claims against him are

patently false, absurd and contradicted by each and every witness and by documentary evidence.

    "This woman's attempts to use law enforcement as a tool for extortion and financial gain should now be

obvious to everyone," Calfo said.

     SOURCE: Angelo Calfo of Yarmuth, Wilsdon, Calfo PLLC

    CONTACT: Staci Wolfe of Polaris PR



             for Angelo Calfo of Yarmuth, Wilsdon, Calfo PLLC

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